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The anoscopy is a method of examination in which a study of the sphincter or the anal canal is performed. It is used, for example, to diagnose hemorrhoids .


The preparation for the examination is very simple; it is usually sufficient for the patient to go to the toilet shortly before the examination and empty his bowels. If he does not have a bowel movement, a small enema or a purgatory suppository can help . No further preparation is necessary for this examination.


Either a rigid anoscope about 5 centimeters long and about 3 to 4 centimeters in diameter is used for this examination, or an intestinal speculum is used. The patient is examined in the left lateral position, lithotomy position or on a special rectoscopy table in which the patient assumes a kind of knee-elbow position. The instrument is advanced and inserted blindly.

The examination itself only takes minutes and inflammations , constrictions, fistulas , hemorrhoids and anal fissures can be discovered. The examination itself is often found uncomfortable and usually does not cause any pain.

See also