Attack on clergy in Kabul in 2018

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The 2018 attack on clergy in Kabul was an attack on a gathering of religious leaders in Kabul on November 20, 2018. The attack was aimed at the Ulema Council (the highest body of clergy in Afghanistan).


In the attack, a suicide bomber blew himself up in the Uranus Wedding Palace in Kabul. At the time of the crime, a religious ceremony of hundreds of believers and Koran students took place in the festival hall on the occasion of the Maulid an-Nabī . At the time of the crime, at least a thousand people were in the wedding hall, which is in a row with a few others on Flughafenstrasse in Kabul. At least 55 people died and at least 94 others were wounded. So far, no one has claimed the attack for themselves.


The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan was outraged and expressed condolences. In a tweet from Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, the terrorist group denied any involvement in the attack and condemned attacks on religious events and civilians.


The attack is the 20th major attack this year in Afghanistan, in which the security situation has deteriorated significantly this year. In the civil war in Afghanistan, groups like the Taliban or IS repeatedly carry out attacks.

See also


  1. Dozens of dead in the attack in Kabul. In: Spiegel Online . November 20, 2018. Retrieved November 21, 2018 .
  2. Attack on religious ceremony in Kabul - at least 55 dead. In: Westfälische Rundschau . November 21, 2018. Retrieved November 21, 2018 .