Attack in Bulawayo in 2018

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The attack in Bulawayo occurred on June 23, 2018 at the White City Stadium in the Zimbabwean city ​​of Bulawayo . During an election campaign rally, a hand grenade exploded around 2 p.m. local time in the immediate vicinity of the lectern . Shortly before, President Emmerson Mnangagwa had finished speaking.

Two people were killed and 47 injured in the attack, including Vice-Presidents Constantino Chiwenga and Kembo Mohadi , as well as other senior government officials. President Mnangagwa was unharmed.

The perpetrators of the attack are not yet known. Two suspects, residents of the Pumula suburb , were interrogated in the Tredgold Magistrates' Court in Bulawayo, but were later released without charge.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Zimbabwe Bulawayo blast: Two die after attack on Mnangagwa. In: British Broadcasting Corporation . June 25, 2018, accessed March 24, 2019 .
  2. Entry with GTD ID 201806230002 in the Global Terrorism Database of the University of Maryland, accessed on February 15, 2020 .