Follow-up treatment

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The follow-up treatment (including follow-up rehabilitation ) is a medical rehabilitation , which is performed on a hospital stay in port.

The follow -up rehabilitation can be carried out on an outpatient , inpatient or partial inpatient basis.

Situation in Germany

If the follow-up rehabilitation is preceded by an operation, it must begin no later than two weeks after discharge from the acute clinic. (For medical reasons, e.g. for shoulder or hip joint operations using osteosynthesis, exceptions to the two-week rule are possible. Follow-up treatment usually begins six weeks after the operation, when the first phase of primary bone healing takes place is). If the follow-up rehabilitation is preceded by radiation treatment, it must begin no later than 6 weeks after the end of the radiation treatment. If the radiation was carried out in the head or neck area, the follow-up rehabilitation must begin no later than 10 weeks after the end of the radiation. It is applied for by the hospital, there by the treating hospital doctor or the social service. In the case of outpatient pretreatment, e.g. B. radiation, the application is made by the treating radiation therapist.

Inpatient rehabilitation usually lasts three weeks and can be carried out in the event of serious illnesses and after operations (e.g. cancer, stroke, heart surgery) and after accidents.

The cost bearers are either the German pension insurance or the health insurance . In the case of private daily sickness allowance insurance, according to a judgment of the Hildesheim Regional Court of July 5, 2005 (Az. 3 O 114/05) - contrary to the opinion of some insurance companies - claiming private sickness allowance insurance is possible.

As in the case of a hospital stay, an additional payment of 10 euros per day of follow-up rehabilitation must be made. The co-payment is limited to a maximum of 28 days per calendar year if the health insurance company is the payer, and to a maximum of 14 days per calendar year if the pension insurance provider is the payer. Co-payments made to a hospital in the same year are taken into account.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Judgment of the Hildesheim Regional Court of July 5, 2005 - 3 O 114/05 -