Antoine de Seguiran

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Antoine de Seguiran , also chevalier de Seguiran , was a French military man and encyclopedist of the 18th century.

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He came from an Arles family affiliated with the military .

The Chevalier de Seguiran wrote le Rond d'Alembert for the Encyclopédie by Denis Diderot and Jean-Baptiste . His statements were published under the terms truth, vérité , and virtue, vertu .


  • Frank Arthur Kafker: The Encyclopedists as individuals: a biographical dictionary of the authors of the Encyclopédie. Oxford, Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth Century, (1988) pp. 359 ISBN 0-7294-0368-8

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Individual evidence

  1. Kafker, Frank A .: Notices sur les auteurs of 17 volumes de "discours" de l'Encyclopédie (suite et fin). Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie Année (1990) Volume 8 Numéro 8 p. 116
  2. ^ Charles, Sébastien: Berkeley Au Siècle Des Lumières: Immatérialisme Et Scepticisme Au XVIIIe Siècle. Bibliothèque D'Histoire De La Philosophy. Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin (2003) ISBN 2-7116-1602-9 p. 155