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Classification according to ICD-10
H27.0 Aphakia
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Under Aphakia means the aphakia one eye . It is almost always caused by surgical removal of the natural lens ( lensectomy ), more rarely by an eye injury. Aphakia is rarely found today, as after the natural lens has been removed, it is usually replaced by an artificial lens . This condition is called pseudophakia .

In addition to a deepened anterior chamber, an unstable iris and a reflex-free, black pupil, the consequence of aphakia is a special form of hyperopia in which the focal point of the incident visual rays is far behind the level of the retina , as the lens is an essential refractive medium of the Eye is missing. Close adjustment of the eye by means of accommodation is no longer possible. To compensate for this, a corresponding converging lens - formerly known as star glasses - or a contact lens can be fitted. As a rule, however, the correction takes the form of an implanted intraocular artificial lens .
