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Classification according to ICD-10
F40.2 specific (isolated) phobias
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

The  Apiphobie even Apiophobie or Melissophobie (from ancient Greek apis , bee ' and φόβος phobos , German , fear ' ) is one of the specific anxiety disorders and refers to the exaggerated fear before bees or bee-like insects , such as wasps , bees or brakes .


Those affected react to the specific noises of the animal or its mere presence and sight with panic and an escape behavior. The fear can arise from a traumatic experience with bees or bee-like insects and lead to a selective perception of insect noises.


Behavioral therapy is usually used as therapy .

Web links


  • Uwe Henrik Peters: Lexicon of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Medical Psychology