Apollodorus by Artemita

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Apollodoros von Artemita (German Apollodor ) was an ancient Greek historian from Artemita (today Chalasar) on the Tigris. He lived in the late 2nd or 1st century BC. Chr.

Apollodorus wrote a history of the Parthians in at least four books. The work, which was considered to be absolutely reliable, has not survived. It was mainly used by Strabo , but also used by Athenaios and possibly by Pompeius Trogus . It is not known which sources Apollodorus relied on. Strabon quotes a few passages that tell of the defection of Bactria from the Seleucid Empire .

Text output


  • Apollodorus by Artemita . In: Hatto H. Schmitt, Ernst Vogt (Ed.): Lexikon des Hellenismus , Wiesbaden 2005, Sp. 83f.
  • William W. Tarn: The Greeks in Bactria and India . 2nd edition, Cambridge 1951, pp. 44f.
  • Josef Wiesehöfer (Ed.): The Parthian Empire and its testimonies . Stuttgart 1998, especially p. 280ff. and 437ff.
  • Marie Louise Chaumont: Apollodorus of Artemita. In: Encyclopædia Iranica , Volume 2, London / New York 1987, ISBN 0-7100-9110-9 , pp. 160f. ( online )
  • John R. Gardiner-Garden: Apollodoros of Artemita and the Central Asian Skythians. Research Inst. For Inner Asian Studies, Bloomington, Indiana 1987.


  1. Strabo, Geographika 11,11.