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Aqrakamani was a Nubian king.

He is known from a demotic inscription which was found at ad-Dakka in Lower Nubia and which dates to his third year of reign. A second inscription may once have named it, but the name is lost. The inscriptions must belong to a time when Lower Nubia was under Nubian rule, which was around 29 and 25 BC. Was the case. His mother is also mentioned in the inscription, Naytal.

See also


  • László Török in Tormod Eide u. a .: Fontes historiae nubiorum: textual sources for the history of the middle Nile region between the eighth century BC and the sixth century AD. Vol. 2. From the mid fifth to the first century BC (= Fontes historiae Nubiorum. Volume 2). University of Bergen, Bergen 1996, ISBN 82-91626-01-4 , pp. 686-689.