Work through management

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The logo of the initiative

Work through management / sponsorship model is a nationwide initiative that supports, advises and mediates with the help of voluntary sponsors, the so-called JobPATEN, long-term unemployed people, job seekers with disabilities and secondary school students. The sponsor is the Diakonisches Werk Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia eV (DWBO)

There are currently sponsorship networks in 75 cities in all federal states.

The godfather model

Diakonie bases its sponsorship model on two pillars:

  1. With the “job bridge” sponsorship model, volunteer job sponsors help the long-term unemployed to find work. The success rate is over 70 percent.
  2. The “training bridge” takes care of the professional integration of eighth and ninth grade students. Successful placement by volunteer training mentors is even more than 90 percent.


The beginnings of the initiative go back to 1999. The then managing director of the Diakonisches Werk in Fürstenwalde (Land Brandenburg), Bert Schumann, got to know a similar advisory project in the field of refugees in Holland: there executives volunteered for their integration into work. Thereupon he founded the initiative “work through management / sponsorship model”. The local Rotary Club , a temporary employment agency, Vattenfall Europe Berlin AG & Co KG (at that time still VEAG), and Bombardier could be won as cooperation partners from the business world . The state government of Brandenburg, the employment agency and the Robert Bosch Foundation also support the initiative.

Konrad Müller, the new head, took the head office to Berlin, from where he expanded the activities initially to Berlin-Brandenburg and later to other federal states. The initiative is now active nationwide. This was made possible through close cooperation with many partners, one example being the “Team Work for Germany” campaign by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor. (2004)


  • In 2003, the initiative began the project “Mentors and cultural coaches for migrants” in the context of the Berlin Equal development partnership QiA (qualification in intercultural work). The project ended in late 2007
  • “Jobs without barriers” was a project for people with disabilities of the Federal Ministry for Health and Social Security, in which the initiative has been involved since March 2005. From 2007 to 2009 this project was carried out at a total of 10 locations in Germany.
  • In January 2005 start of the doctorate of the target group adolescents and young adults in the career orientation and in the transition from school to work in Spandau and Kreuzberg.
  • In 2006–2007, young Hartz IV recipients were offered sponsorships in the JOP activation project (cooperation with the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg job center).
  • In 2007, the Vattenfall Europe Berlin AG & Co KG funded training partnerships project, which offers trainees who could not be taken on a permanent employment relationship, sponsorships in order to cope with the reorientation early on and not become unemployed, started in 2007. The project ended in December 2009.
  • In 2008 the “training bridge” began. Training sponsors accompany secondary school and secondary school students from the pre-graduate class to the end of their training.

Since January 2005 the initiative has been affiliated to the regional association of the Diakonisches Werk Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia eV (DWBO). In the summer of 2007 the association “Work through Management / Sponsorship Models” was founded, in which the Diakonisches Werk of the Evangelical Church in Germany is also involved.

Prizes and awards

The initiative has won several awards at the federal level. There are also numerous local awards and civic prizes, e.g. B. in Berlin, Bonn and Hagen.

  • 2003, 2004 innovatio award for charitable action in church and diakonia
  • 2008 Management Award at the Con Sozial trade fair
  • 2011 German Engagement Prize

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