Working group Koblenz Carnival

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The working group Koblenz Carnival e. V. (AKK) is the umbrella organization for 43 Carnival and Möhnen societies in the city of Koblenz with a total of over 10,000 members. The purpose of the AKK is to promote local customs , the Moselle-Franconian dialect and the popular Koblenz carnival .

Most of the Koblenz carnival societies are part of the Koblenz Carnival Working Group. After the Second World War, the carnivalists were among the first to get the French occupation administration to re-authorize public events. The experts from the Rhein-Mosel-Stadt were already in agreement: If a new start is made with tradition, then only if the matter is managed by an umbrella organization.

In the statutes of that time it was said: This is the only way to organize the old local folk festival. Under the umbrella of the Koblenz Carnival Working Committee, the foolish hustle and bustle began in 1949. From this, the Koblenz Carnival Interest Group developed in 1955, which finally became the Koblenz Carnival Association in 1962. V., AKK for short, was renamed.

The obstetricians of this first working committee were prominent carnivalists:

  • Jupp Thunert, President of the Red-White Sparks,
  • Jupp Dommermuth, Vice President of the Great Koblenz Carnival Society
  • Peter Seelig, Commander of the Prinzengarde Blau-Weiß in the Association of the Great ,
  • Willi Lindner, President of the Great ,
  • Jupp Becker, President of the Yellow-Red Carnival Society,
  • Willy Lescrinier, Commodore of the Alt-Herren-Corps, and
  • Toni Molitor, President of the Green-White Society.

The AKK consisted of three organs, the board of directors, the assembly of delegates and the honorary committee. At that time the board consisted of the president, chairman, a deputy, managing director, treasurer, keeper of minutes and an artistic advisory board, which in turn had three assessors. The honorary committee was made up of well-deserved Koblenz citizens who were willing to give the carnival a reputation and to help shape local customs. The members of this honorary committee were appointed by the president.

With the statutes of May 1990, the honorary committee ceased to exist, so that only the delegates' assembly and the board of directors are organs of the AKK. The board consists of the president, vice-president, treasurer, chief of protocol, artistic advisory board and up to six assessors for various functions.

Each affiliated association sends delegates to the working group. These are entitled to vote for their association at the meetings. According to the statutes, the meetings are called assemblies of delegates.

Of course, the working group awards its own medals. The Great AKK Order of Merit is one of the most prestigious awards in the Koblenz Carnival. It is awarded a maximum of three times each year in accordance with the resolution of the AKK board. As a rule, the AKK neck medals are awarded at the request of the clubs during the session.

Among other things, the AKK organizes the spectacular events during the session. This includes:

  • the choice of the Prince and Confluentia,
  • the opening of the session on November 11th at 11:11 a.m. on Münzplatz ,
  • the introduction of the foolish representative of the city of Koblenz to the local press and thus to the public,
  • the solemn enthronement of the Prince and Confluentia with a large supporting program in the Rhein-Mosel-Halle,
  • the session for people handicaps for the Bindertensportverband in the Rhein-Mosel-Halle
  • the meeting for senior citizens of the city of Koblenz with the Office for Youth, Senior Citizens, Families and Social Affairs in the Rhein-Mosel-Halle
  • the AKK Schängelschiffe (formerly the Schängelexpress),
  • the swearing in of the foolish guards who go into great battles with the prince,
  • the storming of the Bundeswehr,
  • the storm on the town hall with the handover of the city key by the mayor
  • the Rose Monday procession.

The AKK fulfills another pleasant and difficult task. When it's all over, a jury, which also includes the Koblenz OB, the press and representatives of three AKK associations, sits down at the round table and judges the most beautiful, largest and above all the funniest and most original cars, foot groups and even individuals who were seen in the Carnival Monday procession. Then the prizes will be distributed. Usually four. There are trophies and cash prizes for the best.

So that it doesn't get boring in the summer months, the traditional AKK morning pint will be held in the Weindorf in June, at which the award ceremony for the winners of the Rose Monday procession will also take place.

In the spring of 2001 the Rheinsche Fastnachtsmuseum was founded by the Förderverein Rheinsches Fastnachtsmuseum e. V. officially opened. Here visitors are brought closer to the Rhenish Carnival from Basel to Cologne in an exhibition on two floors. The museum has been under the administration of the AKK since 2004.

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