Hard work

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In occupational medicine and labor law, work severity is understood to mean a division of work according to the degree of stress on the person performing it. The work severity serves to divide the occupations into work severity groups ( occupational severity groups ).


A classification of the workload based on the muscle groups used comes from Lehmann .:

  • Light manual work , for example writing
  • Heavy manual work , for example working with a pair of pincers
  • Light arm work , for example assembling circuit boards
  • Heavy arm work , for example hammering nails
  • Light body work such as raking a path
  • Moderate body work , for example sawing wood
  • Heavy body work , for example construction work
  • Very heavy physical work , such as carrying heavy bags.

A physiological definition is:

with 1 MET ≈ of 3.6 ml oxygen uptake per kg body weight and min working time
  • light work <4 MET
  • moderate work <6 MET
  • Heavy work <8 MET
  • Heavy work> 8 MET

The daily energy expenditure (including leisure time) is then estimated more precisely using the PAL unit ( physical activity level , 'physical activity'), measured in multiples of the basal metabolic rate.

  • Sitting or lying down only: 1.2 PAL (old, frail people)
  • exclusively sedentary work with little or no strenuous leisure activity: 1.4–1.5 (office workers, precision mechanics)
  • Sedentary work, occasionally additional energy expenditure for walking and standing activities: 1.6-1.7 PAL (laboratory technicians, drivers, students, assembly line workers)
  • predominantly walking and standing activity: 1.8–1.9 PAL (housewives, salespeople, waiters, mechanics, craftsmen)
  • Physically demanding occupational activity: 2.0–2.4 PAL (construction workers, farmers, forest workers, miners, competitive athletes)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Gunther Lehmann (greeting); Walter Rohmert , Joseph Rutenfranz (Ed.): Practical work physiology . 3., rework. Stuttgart: Thieme, 1983. - ISBN 3-13-370103-7 .
  2. work intensity, E work intensity . In: Lexicon of Nutrition . Wissenschaft-online, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag (web link may only be accessible with subscription)
  3. D A CH: Reference values ​​for nutrient intake. 1st edition 2000, Umschau / Braus Frankfurt am Main (quoted from Wissenschaft-Online )