Armin beers

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Armin Biere (born April 22, 1967 in Villingen) is a German computer scientist. He has been Professor of Computer Science at the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz since 2004 and heads the Institute for Formal Models and Verification.


Armin Biere received his doctorate in computer science from the University of Karlsruhe in 1997 . Two years later he worked for a start-up in the electronic design automation industry after a year as a post-doc at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh , USA. From 2000 to 2004 he was an assistant professor at the IT department at ETH Zurich . He has been a professor at the JKU since 2004. He also organizes international conferences, workshops and competitions.

Biere achieved his most significant scientific success as a co-founder of Bounded Model Checking (BMC), which has found widespread use, particularly in the hardware industry, since its introduction in 1999.

Main focus of work and research

At the core of his research are the formal methods, more precisely the applied formal verification of hardware and software using model checking , propositional techniques such as SAT and QBF and their extensions.

Biere received several first places in international competitions at SAT / QBF / SMT Solver.

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