Arnobius the Younger

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Arnobius the Younger (died after 455) was a monk who probably fled North Africa from the Vandals and lived in Rome around 450 . He is not to be confused with Arnobius the Elder .

He wrote a commentary on the Psalms ( Commentarii in Psalmos ), which was first published by Erasmus of Rotterdam in 1522 (who attributed it to Arnobius the Elder), and a treatise against monophysitism ( Conflictus Arnobiicum Serapione , around 450). In it he supports Augustine of Hippo against Pelagianism . Sometimes he is also ascribed a scripture Praedestinatus (discovered in 1643 by the Jesuit J. Sirmond in the cathedral of Reims , ascribed by G. Morin Arnobius the Younger), in which he appears as an opponent of Augustine's doctrine of grace and advocates semi-Pelagian views (im Contrary to the views of his work Conflictus cum Serapione). Since his commentary on the Psalms was directed against Augustine, the joint authorship of the works is controversial. According to Morin, he first took Pelagian views, but deviated from them when their condemnation in Rome emerged.

He may also have made short commentaries on the Gospel ( expositiunculae in Gospel ). Morin also attributes him a Libellus ad Gregoriam (addressed to a Roman lady who lived in the imperial palace on the Palatine Hill in Rome).

In older literature he is also referred to as the bishop or presbyter of Gaul. But there is no source to confirm this.


  • Arnobii Iunioris opera omnia. Brepolis 1992.
  • HA Kayser: The writings of the so-called Arnobius junior, dogma-historical and literary research. 1912.
  • G. Morin: Étude d´ensemble sur Arnobe le Jeune. In: Revue bénédictine , Volume 28, 1911, pp. 154-190.
  • Marianne Djuth: Arnobius the younger. In: Robert Benedetto (Ed.): The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History. Volume 1, Westminster John Knox Press, Louisville / London 2008, p. 51 ( online ).
  • Karla Pollmann:  Arnobius the Younger . In: Religion Past and Present (RGG). 4th edition. Mohr-Siebeck, Tübingen 1998-2005. ( Beginning of the article online )

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Individual evidence

  1. Pierre de Labriolle: The History and Literature of Christianity. Routledge, 1924, 1996, p. 427.