Arnold Auer

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Arnold Auer (* 1956 ; † March 10, 2020 in Klagenfurt ) was an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ) and works council. Auer was a member of the Carinthian state parliament from March to October 2009 .


Auer was a contract employee of the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital and deputy to the Chairman of the Central Works Council of the Carinthian State Hospitals and Deputy Works Council Chairman at the Klagenfurt Regional Hospital. He was elected to the Carinthian state parliament in the state elections in 2009 and sworn in on March 31, 2009. He resigned his mandate on October 1, 2009. After Auer was elected Vice President of the Carinthian Chamber of Labor, he combined his works council activity and his mandate in the state parliament with a total of three paid, public functions, whereas the SPÖ statute only allows two publicly paid functions. As a result, Auer parted ways with his state parliament mandate because, despite the more attractive remuneration, he said that the "political unculture" was bothering him. When he resigned, he was not only concerned about the general political culture but also the way in which the new party support was implemented and the political opponents, especially Kurt Scheuch criticized. According to media reports, one of the reasons for the resignation could also have been tactical reasons, as on the one hand he had to criticize Kurt Scheuch in the state parliament and on the other hand he had to make compromises as a works council with Scheuch as chairman of the supervisory board of the Carinthian state hospitals.

He did not retire until March 1, 2020. On the night of March 10, the long-time KABEG works council chairman Auer died after a serious illness in Klagenfurt.

Individual evidence

  1. Great sadness: Arnold Auer passed away
  2. a b Kronen Zeitung : "Kaiser is annoyed:" Didn't want dull beer-drinking "...", September 8, 2009
  3. Neue Kärntner Tageszeitung : "You will be harmed more than estimated ...", September 9, 2009