Arnold II (Kleve)

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Arnold II. Von Kleve († before 1200) ruled from 1189 to 1200 on behalf of his older brother Count Dietrich III./V. of Kleve the county of Kleve .


Arnold von Kleve was a younger son of Count Dietrich II / IV. von Kleve and Adelheid von Sulzbach. It is documented between 1188 and 1198. Before 1191 he married Adelheid von Heinsberg, with whom he founded the Klever Seitenlinie von Heinsberg . Her children Dietrich († 1228), Arnold († 1218) and Agnes are known. During the absence of his brother, Count Dietrich III./V. von Kleve , who took part in the crusade , Arnold ruled on behalf of the county of Kleve . Arnold was probably already dead in 1200.


  • Thomas R. Kraus : Studies on the early history of the Counts of Kleve and the emergence of the Klevian sovereignty , in: Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter 46 (1982), pp. 1-47.