Artaphernes (envoy)

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Artaphernes (also Artaphrenes ) was a distinguished Persian who died in 425 BC during the Peloponnesian War . Should go to Sparta as envoy of the great king Artaxerxes I. In a letter Artaphernes had to deliver, Artaxerxes complained that he did not know what the Spartans wanted from him. The messages that have been sent to him so far have been contradictory. Therefore, a delegation with Artaphernes should travel to the Persian court and inform it of the true wishes of Sparta. On the way there Artaphernes was intercepted by the Athenian Aristeides, son of Archippus, in Eion on the Strymon in Thrace and sent to Athens . The Athenians, informed of the contents of the letter of Artaxerxes, thought it a good opportunity for their part to forge an alliance with Persia, and therefore sent Artaphernes, accompanied by some delegates, on board a galley to Ephesus . On arrival in this city, the Athenian ambassadors learned of the death of the great king and returned home.



  1. Thucydides , Peloponnesian War 4:50.