Drug Prescription Report

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The drug regulation report - not to be confused with the drug report of the Barmer Ersatzkasse - is a document published since 1985 by the authors Dieter Paffrath and Ulrich Schwabe to record the annual drug costs of the statutory health insurances in Germany.

The analyzes listed, often by more than 25 authors, are usually based on prescriptions of several thousand different drugs, which are categorized into pharmacological chapters and active ingredient groups. In addition, newly introduced drugs are described, their therapeutic benefits are assessed, and specific prescription recommendations for doctors are given. The primary goal of the drug prescription report is to improve market and cost transparency in the drug sector.

In 1997, 19 pharmaceutical companies took legal action against the drug prescription report, so that it had to appear with blackened passages.

The drug prescription report is divided into:

  • General regulation and market development
  • New medicines
  • Special chapter on analog drugs / biosimilars
  • Discussions related to indication groups
  • Doctor group analyzes
  • Age and gender group analyzes
  • Methodological and statistical appendix

Special evaluations of the collected data are carried out using the ATC code .

Latest issue

  • U. Schwabe, D. Paffrath, W.-D. Ludwig, J. Klauber (Ed.): Drug Ordinance Report 2019 : Current data, costs, trends and comments; 1136 p .; 96 fig .; ISBN 978-3-662-59045-4 ; Springer-Verlag, 2019.

Barmer drug report

The drug prescription report must be distinguished from the drug report of the Barmer Ersatzkasse , which also collects and publishes comprehensive insured-related evaluations of data on drug supply .

Individual evidence

  1. Scientific Institute of the AOK
  2. Markus Grill: Sick Business: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Manipulates Us , 1st edition, Verlag Rowohlt, Reinbek bei Hamburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-498-02509-0
  3. Drug Prescription Report 2019 , Springer online shop.
  4. BARMER Arzneimittelreporte , Barmer website, accessed on May 14, 2020.