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Assandira is a novel by Giulio Angioni ,publishedby Sellerio in 2004.


The old Sardinian shepherd Costantino Saru is persuaded by his son to establish a hotel restaurant (called Assandira ) in his abandoned sheepfold. The company's characteristic curve should be to offer European customers, especially from the north, an experience of life in the traditional Sardinian pastoral world. The old shepherd Costantino was supposed to be a kind of guarantee of authenticity. The company is doing well. But one day a fire destroys Assandira and kills the old shepherd's son. Costantino feels responsible for everything that has happened. The judge doesn't believe him.


Individual evidence

  1. H. Kluver, 2012 cit., 196-212
  2. B. Wagner, 2008, cit, 102-158


  • Giuliana Pias, La casa della palma e Assandira: due "gialli" sulla memoria e l'identità , in Sabina Gola e Laura Rorato, La forma del passato. Questioni di identità in opere letterarie e cinematografiche italiane a partire dagli ultimi anni Ottanta , Bruxelles, Bern, Berlin, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Vienna, Peter Lang , 2007, 261–274. ISBN 978-90-5201-318-3 .
  • Hans Klüver, Instructions for Use for Sardinia , Munich, Piper Verlag , 2012, 194–212.
  • Franco Manai, Cosa succede a Fraus? Sardegna e mondo nel racconto di Giulio Angioni , Cagliari, CUEC, 2006.
  • Birgit Wagner, Sardinia, Insel im Dialog. Texts, discourses, films , Tübingen, Francke Verlag , 2008.

See also

Web links