Associação Industrial Portuguesa

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The Associação Industrial Portuguesa (AIP) is the industrial association in Lisbon .


It was founded on January 28, 1837. Due to the troubled times in Portugal, after rather little activity, on March 20, 1860, the new foundation under the name " APIF - Associação Promotora da Indústria Fabril " (Association for the Promotion of Industrial Factories) takes place.

In the years 1861, 1863 and 1865 the APIF organized industrial exhibitions and it was here that one of its later main tasks, the organization of trade fairs, was to be found.

On March 29, 1886 reorganization and resumption of the original name AIP.

The AIP's first national exhibition takes place in 1888, and it takes part in the Paris World's Fair in 1889 .

1923 first congress of national trade and industry associations, 1949 the first FIP ​​- Feira das Indústrias Portuguesas .

1957 Opening of the exhibition building (Pavilhão Keil do Amaral ), 1960 the first FIL - Feira Internacional de Lisboa (Lisbon International Fair).

1998 Relocation of the trade fair on the Tejo to the site of the Expo 98 , in 1999 the new FIL opens there .

2010 Reorganization, the CCI- Câmara de Comércio e Indústria (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) and the CIP- Confederação Empresarial de Portugal (Portuguese Business Federation) are created. The CCI continues to operate as AIP-CCI and uses the better-known name AIP.

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