Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

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The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) is an international non-profit organization based in Austin, Texas . The current 65,000 members of the organization are mainly active in the fight against white- collar and organized crime . It confers the title of "Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE)" after the professional examination.

The ACFE is divided into over 140 local chapters around the world. The members work professionally in this area, such as auditors, district and public prosecutors, auditors or lawyers.

The aim of the organization is to improve cross-border communication in the fight against economic crime and to train the members of the association through seminars and other events in the field of economic crime. The organization is not limited to the legal perspective; In particular, forensic accounting techniques and evidence in the case of economic crimes are to be exchanged and deepened. This work takes place in working groups that have so far been founded on the following topics and have started their work: Development of a code of best practice, compliance & risk management with regard to money laundering , investigation of fraudulent bankruptcies, forensic examination methodology, insider crime , investment fraud and related crimes , Computer crime , possibilities and limits of cooperation between the state and private individuals in the fight against economic crime .

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