Associative economics

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As associative economies or associative (connecting, uniting) economy an economic idea of 1927 is referred to, which proposes a cooperation of companies with complete transparency and the involvement of customers. It is a form of solidarity (fraternal) economy and part of social threefolding .


The best-known examples are the more than 200 solidarity farms , where customers do not buy the products of a farm on the free market, but share the harvest as a farm community and pay for it at the beginning of the year.

Other examples are Waldorf schools and Oikopolis (organic wholesalers in Luxembourg).


It is an economic stimulus that, unlike the economy for the common good, has no fixed evaluation schemes.

It is doubtful whether it is always possible to find committed customers who voluntarily and critically accompany the manufacturing processes.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Associative Economy - Institute for Social Threefolding. Retrieved October 25, 2018 .