Astrodirect TV

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Astrodirekt TV is a private still image television station. The station can be received via Astra in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Astrodirekt TV discontinued analogue broadcasting via Astra. The reason given was that there was a switch from still image channels to moving images and live TV shows, which was only due to technological progress. Visionfon operates other internet services under the name Astro Direkt TV, which also deal with horoscopes.


Astrodirekt TV's program mainly deals with the areas of astrology , card reading , life counseling and clairvoyance . Interested users and viewers can call a chargeable number and use the advisory services of the AstroDirekt TV consultants.


Among other things, it is often criticized that the statements of the Astrodirekt advisors are vague, so that the statements made could apply to everyone. The offering of chargeable phone numbers does not speak for seriousness either. In addition, not every caller who uses the number for the random number generator for free advice will get the desired result or benefit from the promised free advice. Matthias Pöhlmann, sect representative of the Evangelical Central Office for Weltanschauung questions also sees emotional dependence as a great risk.


AstroDirekt TV can be received via the Astra 19.2 ° East, frequency 12.2460 GHz, transponder 92. In addition, Astrodirekt TV is advertised on regular television programs or in teletext at certain broadcast times. However, Astrodirekt TV is increasingly concentrating on marketing on the Internet. Commercials and live TV show transmissions are also played in the regular program and on other channels.

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