Atlantis (Hans Dominik)

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Atlantis is a science fiction novel (then: science fiction , or utopian-technical novel) published in 1925 by the author Hans Dominik , which is sometimes viewed as a continuation of an earlier novel by the author, The Power of Three .


The year is 2000. World affairs are determined by three power blocs: the European confederation with headquarters in Bern, the African empire under Emperor Augustus Salvator and the American power bloc. Two people from Hamburg, Uhlenkort, a mining magnate, and Tredrup, an engineer and adventurer, meet by chance at a circus performance in Timbuktu, the African imperial seat. Other important people in the novel are also unnoticed here: the American Christina Harleesen, who is descended from a Hamburg dealer family affiliated with Uhlenkort and is currently an art rider, the American capitalist Guy Rouse and his wife and assistant, the beautiful Mexican Juanita, once a friend of Tredrup's. Emperor Augustus has big plans; He is digging a deep shaft into the earth at Lake Chad to extract carbide and stimulate the African economy. At the same time he calls for South Africa, which is supported by Europe, to recognize racial equality. A war seems conceivable; Rouse, an unscrupulous winners with an engaging character, is supposed to get him American submarines for a possible conflict. This is only too happy to provide an appropriate payment. Yet another major event is looming: the widening of the Panama Canal by Rouses New Canal Company through gigantic explosions.

Europe publishes a resolution against the simultaneous (because cheaper) detonation of all bombs; According to an expert report signed only with “JH”, this procedure should lead to a diversion of the Gulf Stream and thus to the icing of Northern Europe as far as Berlin. The public opinion in America is in favor of the European concerns, the American government orders the staggered demolition, as described in the report. But Rouse disagrees. He uses Juanita to get the sewer project's chief engineer, Smith, to set up shunt circuits; a random and unexpected detonation of all explosive devices by the pressure of the explosions is to be simulated.

The demolition actually leads to a catastrophe: the isthmus rips open, the Gulf Stream is diverted. A panic breaks out in Northern Europe and a new migration of peoples south begins. Emperor Augustus now sees himself near the goal; thanks to the successful mine on Lake Chad, he sees himself in a favorable position. He is putting pressure on South Africa, which will take in many northern Europeans; racial equality should be accepted. For Uhlenkort this would mean the decline of the white race and thus its decline. He discusses what could be done with Tredrup. The engineer, transformed into a "half-breed", can be hired at the shaft and sabotages it with a tremendous explosion that allows water to penetrate the shaft, which reacts with the carbide and sends a column of fire into the stratosphere.

Meanwhile, Rouse has Christina Harleesen, who has now met Uhlenkort and who has been urged to return to her “blood home” Hamburg and to her family, kidnapped. The woman, described as pure, intelligent, honest and hands-on, desires something in him, he wants to bring her under his power. Uhlenkort and Tredrup manage, however, to summon her by radio to free Harleesen.

At the same time, strange events occur in many places in the Atlantic; Black Island near Spitsbergen continues to rise from the sea; the old Vineta near Rügen is also standing out. Behind the events is an old friend of Uhlenkort, Johannes Harte, who as "JH" also wrote the report on the blasting. Harte has a hypnotic character, can influence the masses and has mysterious devices that allow him to transmit energies over distances, the so-called telenergetic concentration. This power seems to have been given to him by higher, mystical powers and to be attached to rings on his hand. He wavers under his task, but then lifts Atlantis from the sea floor. It also raises the bottom of the Panama Canal again, ruining Rouse and leading the Gulf Stream back into its usual, "life-giving" channels. Rouse, now desperate, is visited by Smith, who demands Juanita from him and then shoots him because his wishes are not satisfied.

Uhlenkamp sends Tredrup to Atlantis in a submarine, because the first one to arrive on the new-old continent will become its owner. Tredrup barely beats the submarine of the emperor Augustus and puts Atlantis “firmly in white hands”; on Atlantis, he settles in the ruins of the old high culture and founds New Hamburg.


Like many of the author's other novels, “Atlantis” reflects the national mindset in Germany at the time; This is expressed above all in the fact that German scientists play the main role and with their achievements save Europe - in this case from an ice age.

In view of the great powers rivaling in Europe at the time and the fact that Africa was largely divided into European colonies, it is astonishing that Dominik divides the world into an African, an American and a European power bloc, which operate on an equal footing and around one another Wrestle supremacy. It is also noticeable that the African emperor Augustus, also known as the “black Napoleon”, appears to be the most understandable and likeable, at least from the perspective of the 21st century; so he refuses - where possible - to advance his goals, e.g. B. the achievement of international racial equality and the welfare of the African Confederation - to use means of violence. Different characters in the novel, however, repeatedly express negative attitudes towards black Africans.

How the characters were received by readers of the time is unknown.

Further motifs are a connection to the homeland and the acceptance of the historical and social greatness of individual people who express themselves through the achievement of monumental goals - regardless of the nature. In this way of thinking, a “national” act for the good of one's own bloc also justifies acts that put other people in danger or mean their death.

Similar to “ Dr. Mabuse ”novel by Norbert Jacques , the most powerful main characters have an almost hypnotic effect on people. Various mystical elements also appear, which play up to the religious transfigured.



  • Detlef Münch: Future wars, miracle weapons, future empires in the utopian work of Hans Dominik 1921-1934 with a consideration of the Nazi censorship of his novels . Synergen Verlag, Dortmund 2017. ISBN 978-3-946366-16-4 . ISBN 3-946366-16-3