Atlas Stellarum

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The Atlas Stellarum is a photographically produced star atlas in 3 volumes. It contains around 450 star maps in the equinox 1950.0 with associated graticule templates and a detailed booklet.

It was published by Hans Vehrenberg in 1970 and for decades was one of the most important, precise star atlases for amateur astronomers and public observatories , but also for many professional astronomers. A reprint followed in 1985. The recordings for the northern sky (declination + 90 ° to −20 °, first two slipcases) were mostly made on Vehrenberg's garden observatory in the Black Forest (see also Falkauer Atlas ), for the southern part in South Africa.

The cards are approximately 40 cm × 40 cm in size and weigh around 3 kg in total. Part of the edition has a ring binding.