Atrax (Lapith)

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Atrax ( ancient Greek Ἄτραξ Atrax ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

According to Stephanos of Byzantium , he is the son of the river god Peneios and Bura , the daughter of Ion with the Helike . He is the eponymous hero of the Thessalian city ​​of Atrax . Antoninus Liberalis , who refers to Nicandros from Colophon , names him as the father of Lapith Kaineus , who was originally born as a girl named Kainis . He is probably also the father of the lapithin Hippodameia , the wife of Peirithoos , because Ovid calls her Atrakis.



  1. Stephanos of Byzantium sv Ἄτραξ .
  2. ^ Antoninus Liberalis 17.
  3. Ovid, Heroides 17.248.