Attila Ara-Kovács

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Attila Ara-Kovács (born January 14, 1953 in Oradea ) is a Hungarian philosopher, journalist and politician ( Demokratikus Koalíció ).


Attila Ara-Kovacs headed the Budapest Center of Foreign Affairs. He worked as an analyst and correspondent in Paris, Vienna and Hong Kong as well as in the Hungarian diplomatic service.

In the 2019 European elections , Ara-Kovács received a mandate in the European Parliament . There he belongs to the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Social Democrats in the European Parliament . He represents his group in the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, in the Subcommittee on Security and Defense and in the delegation in the Committee on Parliamentary Cooperation between the EU and Russia.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ N-east: Attila Ara-Kovacs. Retrieved August 17, 2019 .