Attitude (magazine)

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Attitude is a British magazine which, according to the London publisher Vitality Publishing, has 225,000 readers and a circulation of 75,000 copies.

The first issue of the magazine took place in May 1994. The magazine appears monthly. The magazine is published by the British company Trojan Publishing . The magazine was sold to Trojan Publishing in 2008 by the British company Giant Clipper and Attitude Publications . Matthew Todd is the magazine's chief editor. Previously, the journalist Adam Mattera was primarily responsible for the magazine. The magazine reports on lifestyle issues for homosexual men. In interviews in the magazine, British politicians and public figures are asked about the rights of homosexual people.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Our Publications ( Memento from September 17, 2012 in the web archive )
  2. Pressgazette: ( Memento of March 2, 2009 in the Internet Archive )