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Audicon (short for Auditory Icon) is a word formation based on Icon . An audicon contains a short acoustic element. Similar to a pictogram , the focus here is on a high recognition value (similarity to the real object or term shown, compare icon ). To do this, the tone, the noise or the sound must leave a concise impression. Application in mobile computing, for example.

In contrast, the earcon is an acoustic element that only represents information by convention, but does not have any similarity to the object or concept represented (compare symbol ).

See also


  • Andreas Holzinger, Alexander Nischelwitzer, Matthias Meisenberger (2005): Mobile Phones as a Challenge for m-Learning: Examples for Mobile Interactive Learning Objects (MILOs) 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication (IEEE PerCom 05), 307-311.
  • Andreas Holzinger: Basic Knowledge Multimedia Volume 3 Technology: Development-technical basics of multimedia information systems , Vogel-Verlag, 2001, ISBN 3-8023-1858-7
  • DK McGookin, SA Brewster (2004): Understanding Concurrent Earcons: Applying Auditory Scene Analysis Principles to Concurrent Earcon Recognition. In: ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 1 (2), 130-155