Training advisor

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Education consultants are after the German Vocational Training Act , as amended in 2005 employees "competent authorities" (eg, Chambers of Trade , Chambers of Commerce ) with the task of carrying out the training to monitor (§ 76 monitoring, advice: "The competent authority shall monitor the implementation [ ...] of vocational training [...] and promotes it by advising the people involved in vocational training. For this purpose, it has to appoint advisors. ")

Compared to the old version of the 1969 Act, the term training advisor no longer appears at this point, however, according to Section 88, the competent bodies must provide the following statistical information for the training advisor: age by age group, gender, previous education, type of advisory activity, technical responsibility as well as visits to training centers. It is therefore inevitably assumed that training advisors are active there.

Training advisors are the point of contact for everyone involved in vocational training, for example companies, trainees, vocational school teachers and parents. The training advisors provide information about the reorganization of training occupations, requirements for examinations, keeping evidence of training, requirements for various occupations and help with problems in training. They are employed by the competent bodies for vocational training, for example the Chamber of Crafts or the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Your work is neutral and confidential.

The work of the training consultants requires a great deal of sensitivity, since, in addition to their consultancy work, they also have to fulfill a public-law monitoring mandate that can trigger sanctions against people or companies in individual cases. For example, in the event of serious violations of relevant laws and regulations, the company can withdraw its training authorization.

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