Training regulations for special needs education NRW

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The training regulation for special educational support in North Rhine-Westphalia or the “Regulation on special educational support, home tuition and school for the sick” (training regulation in accordance with Section 52 SchulG - AO-SF) of April 29, 2005 (amended by regulation of September 29, 2014) regulates the Special educational support in North Rhine-Westphalia .

A child in North Rhine-Westphalia receives special educational support if it requires special support in its personal development and performance. The funding location can be a general education school or a special needs school. This special educational need is determined by a procedure for determining the special educational needs. This may be necessary

  • if the child is already attending an early childhood education facility,
  • if the parents have indications before the child starts school that they need special support for learning and their development,
  • if the school management has indications when the child is enrolled in primary school that he or she needs special educational support,
  • if the teachers have indications during the child's school days that the child needs special educational support.

Procedure for determining special educational needs (AO-SF)

As part of this process, the need for support of a child or young person is determined within the framework of the school regulations of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the resulting funding location.

The following disabilities can give rise to special educational needs :

Focus on special needs education

The focus of special needs education is

  1. Learn
  2. language
  3. Emotional and social development
  4. Hearing and communication
  5. See
  6. Spiritual development
  7. Physical and motor development

Places of special education

Are places of special needs education

  1. the general schools (general education schools and vocational colleges),
  2. the special schools,
  3. the schools for the sick.

Determination of special educational needs

An application to initiate a procedure to identify special educational needs can be made through

  • the parents about the general school,
  • the general school after informing the parents in advance, stating the main reasons
  • the parents when registering their school-age child

As part of this process, a special needs teacher and a general school teacher work together to produce an opinion. In addition to their own observations and test results, they also include the results of the school medical examination initiated by the school inspectorate. They also invite the parents to talk to them.

The school supervisory authority informs the parents about the intended decision and tries to reach an agreement on the decision in a further discussion. If the parents agree with the decision, the discussion can be held through the school management of the receiving school.

Upon request, the school supervisory authority gives parents access to the report and the documents on which it is based.

The decision on special educational needs, funding focus and funding location is made by the school supervisory authority.

After the decision on the funding location, the parents register their child with the named school or with one of the named schools, if they have not already attended this school. If the parents do not register their child, the school supervisory authority will arrange for the child to be admitted and inform them of this in writing.

The parents have the right to take legal action against the decision, which has a suspensive effect on the decision and can delay the decision up to a year.

The teachers prepare these reports as part of their work as teachers. They are independent in their expert work (also from the school supervisory authority).

Classroom observations , standardized tests, such as intelligence tests ( K-ABC , Raven , CFT , HAWIK ) or school performance tests (HSP, DEMAT, WLLP , DRT), observations from the sending school or kindergarten, the school doctor’s report, observations serve as the basis for the report parents etc.

The aim of the report is to determine the special needs and the appropriate school for the respective child. Ideally, specific statements are made about the funding priorities and the necessary assistance. Medical recommendations in consultation with the school medical service can also be included.

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