Excursion trip

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Excursions are a form of occasional motor vehicle traffic. The term is defined in Section 48 (1) of the Passenger Transport Act (PBefG).

These are journeys, the course of which (in contrast to rental car traffic ) is specified and determined by the entrepreneur. The so-called "coffee trips" are also part of it. The passengers must be brought back to the starting point of their journey. However, the original prohibition of use while on the move according to Section 48 (3) was lifted with the amendment of the PBefG on January 1, 2013. A change in the composition of the travelers has since been allowed to take place en route, although the passengers still have to be transported back to their respective starting point. The previous term "tour with closed doors" is no longer valid.

In contrast to the regular service is at an excursion no obligation to carry for the provider.