China Chamber of Commerce Abroad

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The Chamber of Commerce Abroad China , or AHK Greater China , is the official representation of the German economy in the People's Republic of China , Hong Kong and Taiwan . Its member organization, the German Chamber of Commerce , looks after more than 2500 German companies and individuals in these regions. With the service company German Industry & Commerce, the AHK Greater China offers services for German companies in China to promote economic cooperation under the brand "DEinternational".

Since 1981 the offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei have been supporting German companies with market entry, the search for business partners, training and further education as well as business events in Greater China .


Representation of the German economy

The delegations of the German economy in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Taipei represent the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in China.

The membership organization

The German Chamber of Commerce in China and the German Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong support around 2500 members in Greater China.

The service provider - German Industry & Commerce

German Industry & Commerce offers services for German companies in China under the brand “DEinternational”.


  • AHK Greater China - Beijing was founded in 1997 and today has over 400 members.
  • AHK Greater China - Shanghai was founded in 1994 and today has over 1300 members.
  • AHK Greater China - South & Southwest China was founded in 1996 and today has around 300 members.
  • AHK Greater China - Hong Kong was founded in 1987 and today has around 450 members.
  • AHK Greater China - Taiwan ( German Business Office Taipei ) has been promoting the development of economic cooperation between German and Taiwanese companies since 1981 and represents the interests of German companies in Taiwan as a delegation of German business.

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