Auto-ecological optimum

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The auto-ecological optimum of a species describes the physiologically most favorable range of occurrence for the respective species in terms of environmental factors , without being influenced by competition from individuals of other species. The ecological optimum is the preferred area of ​​the ecological potency of the respective species. As a rule, each species has an optimum for an abiotic factor , e.g. B. an optimum temperature, an optimum air humidity, an optimum pH value, etc.

For species with strong competition , their autecological optimum and their optimum for interspecific competition , the synecological optimum , often coincide. Weakly competitive species are pushed out of their auto-ecological optimum by competitors. H. the maximum of their actual occurrence does not correspond to the range that would actually be optimal for the species.

See also


  • Matthias Schaefer: Dictionaries of Biology: Ecology. G. Fischer Verlag, Jena, 3rd edition 1992 (UTB Uni-Taschenbücher für Wissenschaft 430) ISBN 3-334-60362-8