Autogenous drainage

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The autogenous drainage is a breathing technique for lung disease patients with increased and tough bronchial secretions (such as in cystic fibrosis ), said dissolved in three phases initially, then collected and finally coughed is. The Belgian physiotherapist Jean Chevaillier is a co-developer of this technique.

This self-cleaning technique is effective and gentle, but requires a high level of concentration and self-discipline from the patient.

Autogenous drainage can be performed while sitting or lying down, depending on what the patient feels is more comfortable. The collection of the secretion works through a certain breathing technique. First, inhale deeply into the chest and stomach. You must then hold your breath for around 3–5 seconds. This is followed by passive exhalation through the mouth, the air is pushed out solely by the restoring forces of the chest. This is followed by active exhalation, trying to force as much air as possible out of the chest. Small mechanical aids are often used to make things easier ( flutter , RC-Cornet or PEEP devices), which, through a small exhalation resistance, ensure that the sputum is transported without the bronchi collapsing (collapsing). This breathing cycle is repeated several times until a sufficient amount of secretion has found its way into the major airways. Now the secretion can be coughed up. Too fast / frequent coughing is counterproductive, as it puts additional strain on the body and only promotes little secretion.


  1. Jan Cabri: Applied Physiology: Therapy, Training, Tests . 2nd Edition. Georg Thieme, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 978-3-13-117092-7 , p. 623 .