Autonomous Antifa (M)

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The Autonome Antifa [M] was a Göttingen Antifa group that existed from 1990 to 2004. She was significantly involved in the anti-fascist action / nationwide organization (AA / BO). From 1991 to 1995 members of the group were investigated for membership in a terrorist organization .


The Autonome Antifa [M] was founded in 1990 in Göttingen. In the autumn of 1991 she participated in a “discussion paper on autonomous organization” in a nationwide debate on organization within the autonomous spectrum . In this they proposed to found a nationwide anti-fascist organization with formal membership and transparent structures in order to "organize the 'autonomous' rest scene (but also new anti- fascist groups) in a joint project on an anti-imperialist basis." In July 1992 the Autonomous Antifa [M] founded the AA / BO together with other Antifa groups from Germany.

In July 1994 the police searched the homes of 15 alleged members of the Autonomen Antifa [M], an office of the General Student Committee of the University of Göttingen and the left-wing alternative “Rote Straße” bookshop. It is known that suspected members of the Autonomous Antifa [M] have been investigated since 1991, initially for membership in a terrorist organization (Section 129a of the Criminal Code) and later for membership in a criminal organization (Section 129 of the StGB). In February 1995, indictments were brought against 17 members of the Autonomous Antifa [M], including Bernd Langer . The proceedings were finally discontinued in September 1996 against conditions before the process was opened. The defendants each had to pay 3,000 DM to the memorial of the former Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp . In addition, they were informed about the right of assembly by their lawyers and stated that they “will consider the provisions of the law of assembly in the future”.

In June 2004 the Autonomous Antifa [M] declared its dissolution. Due to the differences in content between the members, a "common policy supported by the entire group was hardly or no longer possible". Former members of the group founded the Anti-fascist Left International , part of the Interventionist Left and the redical M , founding member of the all or nothing -Bündnis.


The Autonome Antifa [M] self-published several brochures:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Quoted from: Between Idea & Reality. The AA / BO in retrospect , Antifascist information sheet, No. 58 / 4.2002
  2. Sebastian Haunss: Identity in Movement: Processes of Collective Identity in the Autonomous and in the Gay Movement, Wiesbaden 2004, p. 137
  3. ^ Matthias Brunnert: Göttingen: Rechtsfrei spaces , March 27, 1995
  4. Jochen Graebert, Volker Steinhoff: Justizposse - Egg thrower under suspicion of terrorism , Panorama, August 1, 1996
  5. The history of the autonomous scene in Göttingen , hna, February 15, 2011
  6. Jan Langehein: Three Black Blocks , Jungle World , No. 28, June 30, 2004;
    See also: Autonome Antifa [M]: Final declaration of the Autonome Antifa (M)