Average revenue per user

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Average Revenue per User ( ARPU ) is mainly used in themobile communicationsindustry to describe therevenuethat acustomergeneratesin a certain period (usually per month,quarteror year).

Customers with a term contract usually have a higher ARPU than customers with a prepaid card. At the beginning of the market development, a mobile phone provider can achieve a very high ARPU due to the snob effect and the target group reached. If the provider has to acquire other customer groups with the aim of opening up the market, for example those with lower purchasing power , this results in a decrease in the ARPU .

In 2019, the APRU in the mobile communications sector in Germany averaged EUR 14.61 (previous year EUR 14.31).

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Activity report of the Federal Network Agency 2019. Accessed on June 11, 2020 .