Aviméta 88

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Aviméta 88
Aviméta 88 L'Aéronautique August, 1927.jpg
Type: Fighter plane
Design country:

FranceFrance France



First flight:


Number of pieces:


The Aviméta 88 was a two-seat fighter aircraft.


The aircraft designed by G. Le Pêre appeared in 1926. The fuselage and the wings of the high-wing aircraft were clad with the alloy Alférium. The performance of the test program was not convincing and the interest of the French Air Force waned. The project was not pursued any further and it remained with a single prototype.

Technical specifications

Three-sided view
length 9.76 m
span 17 m
Wing area 40 m²
Empty mass 1500 kg
Takeoff mass 2400 kg
drive a V-engine Hispano-Suiza 12 Hb with 373 kW (507 PS)
Top speed 240 km / h
Service ceiling 7500 m
Armament two fixed, synchronized 7.7 mm Vickers machine guns
two movable 7.7 mm Vickers machine guns in the rear cockpit


  • AERO, issue 16, p. 445

Web links

Commons : Aviméta 88  - collection of images, videos and audio files