Axel Meyer (painter)

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Axel Meyer, Winter Landscape, oil on canvas, around 1915

Axel Meyer (born August 11, 1887 ) was a Danish artist. The date of his death is unknown.

Meyer received his training at the technical painting school in Copenhagen with Johann Rohde (1856-1935), one of the leading personalities within the Danish reform movement around 1900 and initiator of modern art in Denmark. Meyer then studied at the independent artist schools that Rohde founded in 1882 together with several fellow students. These institutions, which existed until 1912, offered young artists an alternative to the rigid academic teaching of the art academies.

Meyer was close to the Dyrehave painters. He made a name for himself as a creator of landscapes.


  • H. Slyngbom: Dansk Billedkunst - Biografisk Haandleksikon over Billedkunstens Udøvere gennem 400 Aar , Copenhagen 1947.