Civil Social Union

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The Bürgerliche Soziale Union ( civil social union) ( abbreviation: BSU ) was a small political party in Germany that was founded on June 17, 2003 in Bamberg and had its headquarters there. The chairman was Dettleff Schilde . The party was financed, among other things, by two donations from Bamberg's Reiner Sauer in the amount of € 52,000.

The BSU took part in the state elections in Thuringia in 2004 and achieved 2,135 votes (0.2%). The top candidate in Thuringia was Franz Kipper, former CDU mayor of Hildburghausen . The party advocated a minimum wage and compulsory voting and wanted to reduce the influence of the trade unions .

On June 17, 2005, the BSU joined other small parties in the Perspective party . In addition to the BSU, these included the General German Health Party (Die Gesundheitspartei), the BürgerOffensive Deutschland (BOD), the Forum for the unemployed and social meeting point (FAUST), a group called the Free Citizens Union (FBU), the Social and Democratic Jobseekers in Germany party (SAD), the Monday demonstration in Osterburg and the Liberal Forum Germany . In 2006 the motorists party and the pro-citizens party (PBP) were added.

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