Office worker

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In Germany, an office worker is usually used to describe people who do auxiliary work in the office.


Office workers write letters, delivery notes and invoices, for example. They create form letters, enter data on the computer, store documents and distribute incoming mail throughout the company. They also take care of the outgoing mail: office workers in the office and administration area know which shipping options are available and where to find out about tariffs. You collect the outgoing mail, frank it and bring it to the post office on time. In addition, they copy documents, put them together in the specified order and place them e.g. B. in the meeting room.

Depending on their knowledge, office workers can also carry out simple bookkeeping work, participate in the creation and evaluation of statistics or work on the telephone. For example, they take calls from customers and record their concerns. Especially in smaller companies they lead z. B. also vacation lists, compile invoices and check incoming and outgoing payments. Sometimes they also take on short errands.


Anyone who wants to work as an office worker should be able to see through work steps and work processes and be able to work independently, fulfill orders conscientiously ( action competence ), be able to fit into a group , be cooperative and be able to work in a team ( social skills ). He should also be flexible and have a certain methodical competence.


A certain school leaving certificate is not required to work as an office worker. Office workers in the office and administration area are usually trained directly at the workplace. However, relevant practical experience can be beneficial, e.g. B. in dealing with telephone systems, copier machines and computers. Often, general PC knowledge is desired, in some cases also basic commercial knowledge.

Web links

Wiktionary: Office worker  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations