BMW Club Germany

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Logo of the BMW Club Deutschland e. V.

The BMW Club Deutschland e. V. (short form " BCD ") brings together BMW auto and motorcycle clubs recognized by BMW as the national umbrella organization in Germany.

Purpose of the association

The purpose of the association emerges from the statutes and is to maintain motorsport, to inspire enthusiasm for this sport and to advise and exchange experiences on technical, legal, tourist and motor vehicle issues, as well as the instruction and the exchange of general and specific questions about motor vehicle safety . The association is selfless and does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The club is a member of the BMW Club Europa e. V. with entry in the register of associations in Munich.


The club was founded on March 15, 1997 in Alsfeld (Hessen). Up to now only the international club associations were known, as well as the BMW Clubs Europe, which united various BMW national clubs. The numerous clubs in Germany were combined under the "Association of BMW Clubs in Germany", but this was not an association and had neither statutes nor a board of directors. The initiator of the establishment was the then 1st chairwoman of the BMW Motorradclub Hagen, Margit Blum, who also assumed the office of 1st chairwoman in the BMW Club Germany for the first three years.

At the beginning, the board consisted of three people - the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chairman. From 1999 the board of directors was expanded to five people in order to improve the distribution of tasks. In 2000, the areas of responsibility were also assigned to the individual board members in the form of new office titles; since then the board has consisted of the president (formerly 1st chairman) and the vice-presidents automobiles, motorcycles, finances and PR / special tasks. At the time it was founded, 63 regional clubs joined the BCD. Over the years, the number of member clubs has increased so that the BCD currently has over 120 member clubs (car, motorcycle and mixed clubs).

In 2000, in addition to club membership, the option of becoming an individual member of the BMW Club Germany was introduced. In 2003 the board of directors of BMW Club Deutschland e. V. has its own BMW meeting in the "hometown" Alsfeld. In 2005 a periodic election system for the board of directors was introduced. From now on, the Vice-Presidents for Motorcycles and Finance will be elected in the odd years, and the Vice-Presidents for PR and Automobiles as well as the President in the even years. In various BMW branches or in the clubhouses of the regional clubs, workshops have been offered for member clubs since 2009, which mainly deal with club rights, planning events, club structures and other support for club life. The first BCD website went online in May 2002, and the Facebook fan page was launched in 2011.

Club structure

In the club structure, the BMW Club Deutschland e. V. the task of the link between the regional clubs in Germany and the umbrella organization of the European clubs, the BMW Club Europa e. V. The International Council of BMW Clubs brings together all clubs officially recognized by the BMW Group. Among them are the continental umbrella organizations; for Germany the BMW Club Europa e. V. as the umbrella organization. In addition to the BMW Club Deutschland e. V. there is an official BMW regional club in almost every European country.


  • Vivian Hartleb: Brand Community Management: An empirical analysis using the example of the automotive industry . Gabler Verlag 2009, ISBN 3-834-91893-8 , p. 137

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Articles of Association
  2. List of clubs ( Memento of October 27, 2013 in the Internet Archive )