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Başkan is a Turkish official designation meaning chairman, president, which took the place of the older name re'is . It is mostly used in compositions such as Belediye Başkanı (Mayor), Devlet Başkanı (Head of State) or Cumhurbaşkanı ( President of the Republic ). The office of the Başkan is called Başkanlık .

Belediye Başkanı

The name Başkan alone is often used as a short form of the municipality or city mayor Belediye Başkanı. This office was initially occupied by the city assembly (Belediye Meclisi) , since 1963 by direct elections. These local elections initially took place every four years, and since 1984 every five years. After the local elections in Turkey in 2014 , the pro-Kurdish Barış ve Demokrasi Partisi , the predecessor of the Halkların Demokratik Partisi , wanted to occupy the office with a male / female dual leadership in the cities where she had won. She and part of the media referred to the officials as co-mayors (Eşbaşkan) . However, this practice was declared illegal by a court.
