Lohja – Lohjanjärvi railway line

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Lohja – Lohjanjärvi
Lo seislevy.jpg
Route length: 6 km
Gauge : 1524 mm ( Russian gauge )
Maximum slope : 16.5 
Route - straight ahead
Hyvinkää – Karis railway from Hyvinkää
Station, station
0 Lohja
Hyvinkää – Karis line to Karis
4th Lohjan kaupalla
6th Lohjan satama

The Lohja – Lohjanjärvi railway was a Finnish freight train route from Lohja to Pitkäniemi on the banks of the Lohjanjärvi . The line was built and operated by the state-owned VR-Yhtymä .


Construction of the line began in 1927 and was completed in 1928. It was mainly used for transports to the Pitkäniemi paper mill . It had three bridges and four level crossings. Rail traffic on the route ended in 2010. The reason for this was the high freight prices of VR, which could no longer compete with trucks. The paper mill used 5,000 tons of cellulose per month, equivalent to a dozen truckloads per day. After that only a few museum trains ran. On August 10, 2012, an inspection train drove to Lohjanjärvi. The route has been closed to traffic since spring 2013, as a parking lot was built on the route at Lohja station. Up to this point the route could be operated again if necessary.

The service has been set, 2014.

After the opening of operations, passenger trains also ran to the city station and the port station. The time of the cessation of passenger traffic cannot be determined.

In 2018, on the instructions of the Ministry of Transport and Communication ( Finnish Liikenne- ja viestintäministeriö ) (LVM), consultations took place regarding the closure of the line in accordance with Section 79 of the Finnish Railway Act (RataL). Details were the properties to be sold afterwards as well as the measures before decommissioning with their effects and a cost estimate for this work. In addition, the extent to which the land used is polluted from an environmental point of view is examined.

On the basis of the route plan drawn up by the Finnish Transport Agency, the ministry can make a closure decision if, according to Section 79, the route is no longer used for the operation of a railway, if such use is not expected, or if the railway traffic is insignificant and economically unprofitable is to be carried out safely with public funds. The line is also not used as a private track. The accessibility of the area and the transport needs must be ensured in other ways.

The line could be dismantled in 2021.


  • Association of Central European Railway Administrations (Hrsg.): Station directory of the railways of Europe . (formerly Dr. KOCH's station directory). 52nd edition. Barthol & Co., Berlin-Wilmersdorf 1939.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rautatie-UKK. 2.2.2. Kuinka suuria mäkiä on rautateillä? Paljonko rataa on kallistettu? In: resiinalehti.fi. Retrieved April 29, 2020 (Finnish).
  2. Lohjan teollisuusrata hiljeni täydellisesti. (No longer available online.) In: lansi-uusimaa.fi. Archived from the original on February 13, 2019 ; accessed on April 29, 2020 (Finnish).
  3. Lohja Lohjanjärvi-rataosa. In: resiinalehti.fi. Retrieved April 29, 2020 (Finnish, Tasoristeys 3/2013).
  4. LOHJAN SATAMARADANLAK CHEWTAMINES. Ratasuunnitelma. In: vayla.fi. August 23, 2018, accessed April 29, 2020 (Finnish).
  5. Lohja-Lohjanjärvi-radan lakkauttamisen ratasuunnitelma. In: vayla.fi. Retrieved April 29, 2020 (Finnish).