Barbara Tietze

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Barbara Tietze (* 1954 in Hohen Neuendorf ; married Nussbaum ) is a German politician ( SPD ).

Tietze is a qualified mathematician. She was active in the Independent Women's Association. In January 1990 she joined the SPD. As chairwoman of the working group of social democratic women, she stayed in contact with the women's association . On March 11, 1992, Barbara Tietze entered the Brandenburg state parliament . She moved up for the resigned Horst Maschler . There she was the spokeswoman for women's policy for the SPD parliamentary group.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Havemann Society, A / 132 Potsdam / Letters from and to the Independent Women's Association: Letter from Barbara Tietze to the UFV on June 11, 1990; Märkische Volksstimme from June 22, 1990.
  2. "A step in the right direction ..." zwd conversation with the women's policy spokeswoman for the SPD parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament, Barbara Tietze (SPD), in: zwd - women and politics. Cologne 1994, issue 85, volume 8.