Barra (unit)

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Barra , also Barro , was a Portuguese measure of length. It has been used in the textile industry to measure cloth, linen walls, etc. Often the measure is inadmissibly equated with the Vara . The level was quite different from region to region.

  • Lisbon 1 barra = 484 ½ Paris lines = 1.093 meters
  • 1 barra = 1.146 meters (calculated from 1 Amsterdam cubit )
  • 1 Barra = 1.72 meters (calculated from 1 Cabida = 1 ½ Amsterdam cubits)
  • 6 Barras = 10 Cabida / Cabidos / Cavidos
    • 1 Cabida / Cabido = 1 Amsterdam cubit = 0.68781 meters

See also

  • Okka (Albanian weight barra)


  • Oskar Ludwig Bernhard Wolff : New and most elegant conversation lexicon for educated people from all classes. Volume 5, Ch. E. Kollmann, Leipzig 1842, p. 19.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Georg Krünitz , Friedrich Jakob Floerken, Heinrich Gustav Flörke , Johann Wilhelm David Korth, Carl Otto Hoffmann, Ludwig Kossarski: Economic Encyclopedia. Joachim Pauli, Berlin 1778 online