Barre Railroad

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The Barre Railroad is a former railway company in Vermont ( United States ). It was founded on April 9, 1888 and built various freight connections by 1889, which connected in Barre to the route of the Barre Branch Railroad , which was also opened in 1889 . In total, a track length of over 40 kilometers was available. Quarries in Graniteville and industrial plants in the urban area of ​​Barre were developed.

From the opening on, the Montpelier and Wells River Railroad (M&WR) leased the railway. On September 18, 1913, the railway companies in the Barre area were restructured. The lease with M&WR was terminated and the Barre Railroad merged with the East Barre and Chelsea Railroad to form the new Barre and Chelsea Railroad . The Barre – Graniteville line still exists today and is served by the Washington County Railroad .

In the 1909/10 financial year, three locomotives and 342 freight wagons were available to the railway. Although no passenger traffic is recorded in official timetables, there was regular traffic with mixed trains until 1922 .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Poor's Manual of Railroads, 44th Annual Number. Poor's Railroad Manual Co., 1911, p. 6.