Tree environment improvement

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The improvement of the tree environment is an area of ​​responsibility for tree care .

With regard to tree care, the tree environment primarily includes the soil in the root area of ​​a tree and secondarily the buildings, plants and traffic that affect this area.

Determination of the measures

To improve the tree environment, it is necessary to determine and define the measures through suitable preliminary investigations (e.g. soil analysis , tree diagnosis ).

The measures depend on the condition of the tree and the location.

Quality factors

Factors for the quality of the soil in the root area are the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, such as


  • Removal of coverings and deposits (salt and other harmful substances).
  • Unsealing (see also: The problem of surface sealing )
  • Soil loosening
  • Soil exchange
  • Installation of ventilation devices
  • Extension of the rootable soil space
  • Nutrient supply
  • Reduction or removal of non-tree growth only if the development or maintenance of a tree is impaired
  • Application of root-stimulating soil additives
  • Protection of unsealed floor space from stress caused by walking and driving
  • Suitable mulching of the floor space
  • Preservation of existing vegetation cover
  • Selection of plants with low root competition for vegetation cover
  • Inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi

Implementation of measures

The ZTV tree maintenance contains both implementation instructions for these measures and references to some further standard works.

Dangers when changing the tree environment

  • Soil movement in the root area, e.g. B. by soil application or removal, also near the root area
  • Soil compaction by walking and driving on
  • Chemical contamination, e.g. B. by overfertilization
  • Erosion, e.g. B. after reduction or removal of the vegetation cover
  • Mechanical damage or destruction in the root or above-ground area
  • Clipping trees, e.g. B. due to increased wind load or solar radiation
  • Waterlogging or overflow, e.g. B. by irrigation
  • Groundwater lowering, e.g. B. by drainage


  • FLL: Tree Control Guidelines - Guidelines for regular controls to check the traffic safety of trees , Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V. (FLL) 2013
  • FLL: ZTV Tree Care - Additional technical contract conditions and guidelines for tree care . Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V. (FLL) 2006
  • Andreas Roloff : Tree care . Ulm Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008 ( ISBN 978-3-8001-5464-7 )
  • FLL: Tree Inspection Guidelines - Guidelines for in-depth inspections to check the traffic safety of trees . Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V. (FLL) 2010
  • FLL: Recommendations for Tree Planting - Part 2 . Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V. (FLL) 2010
  • FGSV: RAS-LP 4 - Protection of trees, vegetation and animals during construction work. Research Society for Roads and Transportation e. V. (FGSV) 1999
  • FGSV: Recommendations for street planting in built-up areas . Research Society for Roads and Transportation e. V. (FGSV)
  • FLL: Quality requirements and application recommendations for organic mulches and composts in landscaping . Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V. (FLL) 1994

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. FLL: Tree Control Guidelines . FLL 2013 (p. 18: Technical investigation procedures)
  2. FLL: ZTV tree care . FLL 2006 (p. 43: 3.6.1 Tree environment improvement / general)
  3. FLL: ZTV tree care . FLL 2006 (p. 43/44: 3.6.1 Tree environment improvement / general)
  4. Covering is subsequently applied soil or other material that covers the root approaches.
  5. ^ Andreas Roloff : Tree care . Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2008 ( ISBN 978-3-8001-5464-7 ) (p. 125: Root and tree environment)
  6. a b c d FLL: ZTV tree care . FLL 2006 (p. 43–45: 3.6 Tree Environment Improvement)
  7. FLL: ZTV tree care . FLL 2006; ZTV = Additional technical contract conditions and guidelines for tree care
  8. a b FLL: Tree inspection guidelines . FLL 2013 (p. 13: 4.2 Developments that can affect road safety)
  9. a b FLL: Tree Control Guidelines . FLL 2010 (p. 16, 4.2.4 Exemption of trees and p. 21, 22, Changes to the tree environment)