Tree valuation

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The tree valuation takes place in Germany similar to the so-called asset value method of property valuation . This method was recognized by the highest court as the “Koch method” in the chestnut tree judgment of the Federal Court of Justice of May 13, 1975 (Az. VI ZR 85/74). This is based on the fact that trees and bushes are essential components of a property and thus also contribute to its value. When determining the value , the function of the wood must always be taken as a basis. The valuation includes: wood costs, planting costs, growth care costs, the growth risk and the interest on these costs during the further production time of the wood until its function is achieved. In addition, reductions in age and impairments due to damage must be taken into account. In order to assess damage, a detailed tree diagnosis is often necessary.

A professional tree valuation should be carried out by appropriately qualified tree experts . These can also calculate the monetary extent of partial damage (e.g. due to improper tree pruning, collision damage , vandalism).

The market value and the book value of a wood are to be differentiated from the tree value according to the material value method . These result from market developments or from the valuation regulations of commercial law.

