Bavarian Finance Union

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The Bavarian Finance Union ( bfg ) is the trade union of civil servants, employees and workers of the Bavarian Finance Administration. It was founded in 1949 as the Association of Tax Officials in Bavaria (vfb).

Since then, the bfg has stood up for the professional, political, legal, economic and social interests of its members. In 2013 the Bavarian Finance Union had around 10,000 members. The bfg is a member of the umbrella organizations German Tax Union (DSTG) and Bavarian Beamtenbund (BBB) ​​as well as the DBB Beamtenbund and Tarifunion . The Bavarian Finance Union is divided into the two district associations North Bavaria and South Bavaria . On-site member support is provided by 135 local associations in the financial administration offices.

The bfg is politically independent. Their work is based exclusively on the interests of the members. The bfg represents this to the administration and the politically responsible in negotiations and regular discussions. In addition, the bfg provides a medium proportion of the staff councils of the Bavarian financial administration.

The state chairman is Gerhard Wipijewski, who took over the chairmanship from Josef Bugiel in November 2013. Thomas Wagner (since 2019) is the chairman of the Northern Bavarian District Association. Birgit Fuchs is the chairwoman of the District Association of Southern Bavaria (since 2019).

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Individual evidence

  2. Josef Bugiel gives up the chairmanship after 24 years, trade union day of the Bavarian Finance Union bfg on November 18th and 19th. Retrieved December 7, 2013 .